The Romans in the Nene Valley

The Romans in the Nene Valley provides an overview of the development of the Lower Nene Valley from the late Iron Age to the very end of Roman rule.
Topics such as the military presence and forts, villas and farmsteads, religion and burials are all covered, along with the important Roman town of Durobrivae with its sprawling industrial suburbs.
The book is published by the Nene Valley Archaeological Trust. By purchasing the book you will discover the importance of the Roman presence in the area as revealed by archaeological research over the past 200 years. You will also help fund the ongoing research being undertaken by the Trust.
Author: Stephen G Upex MCIfA. FSA.
First Published: March 2022
Pages: 73
ISBN: 978-1-7398756-0-2
PRICE: £15 including postage to a UK address
About the Author:
Stephen Upex has lived in the Nene valley near Peterborough for over 50 years. He has directed excavations on numerous Roman sites in the area including the Roman town of Durobrivae and the nearby Water Newton Fort. He contributed to several Time Team programmes. His book on the Romans in the East of England was published in 2008. In 2023 his book containing facsimile copies of the plates in Artis' Durobrivae of Antoninus marked its 200th anniversary. Stephen lectures widely and is a tutor at Madingley Hall, Cambridge.
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Please make your cheque payable to the Nene Valley Archaeological Trust and confirm your first and last name on the reverse of the cheque. Send your cheque to the following address:
The Treasurer - NVAT
15 Helpston Road
Content & Comments
Romans in the Nene Valley includes many maps, photographs and reconstructions which help to bring the Roman period to life.
The book's contents include:
Significant Dates
The Roman Military Presence
Development of the Roman Town
Industrial Suburbs & Industries
Farmstaeds & Villas
The Praetorium at Castor
Everyday Life
Names & Faces
Death, Burial & Religion
Arrival of the Saxons

'This important book carries on the tradition of Artis’ “Durobrivae of Antoninus” first published in 1828. “Romans in the Nene Valley” will bring our local Roman history to a wider audience and inspire others to continue the process of discovery which has been going on for over 200 years.'
Rex Gibson, Peterborough Archaeology group, FRAG