The Durobrivae of Antoninus - Plate 50

Artis never completed the words to accompany his drawings. The images below include interpretations provided by modern day archaeology specialists.
Plate 50.1

A hemispherical bowl (Dr 37) with an ovolo with rosette tongue over a scroll with leaves in the upper concavities and in the lower, a pediment over an altar with birds and an animal. The ovolo and general style suggest the work of the Sacer-Attianus group of potters working at Lezoux in the Hadrianic-early Antonine period.
Not all the details are clear enough from Artis' drawing to identify with certainty, but the ovolo and large leaf look closest to ones used by Attianus. Both potters used the pediment and a trifid bud similar to that in the upper part of the scroll, also similar birds, though it is difficult to be certain of their size. Attianus used the goat in the left hand panel and a seated panther similar to that in the right hand panel, though the precise detail here is not clear. c.AD 125-145.
F Wild - January 2019
Plate 50.2

A cylindrical bowl (Dr 30) from Central Gaul. The decoration shows panels with wavy-line borders with a festoon containing a stag above a sea monster alternating with an arch containing a triton. The style is that of the potter Servus of Lezoux, who used the corded bar and similar arches, though the caryatids supporting it differ slightly by having the other arm raised. Servus also worked with another potter, Gemellinus. A bowl from a mould signed by Servus and stamped by Gemellinus shows the same ovolo and borders with the triton and stag. c.AD 160-200.
F Wild - January 2019