Peterborough Cathedral & Surrounding Area

During the 1970s the Field Unit carried out a number of excavations in and around the grounds of the Cathedral led by Donald Mackreth, who unfortunately died before he could complete his reports.
He left a fairly complete manuscript of his activities, and NVAT and the current Cathedral archaeologist, Dr Jackie Hall are looking to complete the publication, subject to getting appropriate funding for such a large project.
PTHC (Tout Hill Close): D.F.Mackreth, ‘Tout Hill Close, Peterborough’, Durobrivae 2, 1974, 24-26
PCMB (Peterborough Cathedral Monastic Boundary): Ann Rep 1987-8, 9-10 burh defences.
SE corner of Precinct (Ian Meadows); Ann Rep 1981-2, 6-7.
Burh wall near Peterscourt; Ann Rep 1992-93, 3 burh wall and ditch, south side (Ian Meadows for City)