NVAT is delighted to be awarded a Grant of £1,000 from the Francis and Maisie Pryor Charitable Trust.
We are very grateful for this support which will help fund the Durobrivae Gradiometer Survey by Archaeological Services, Durham University.
It is a particular pleasure for the more senior members of NVAT, in that Francis and Maisie have had a long association with our activities, going back to the beginnings of the Flag Fen discoveries.

Dr Stephen Upex and FMPCT Trustee Peter Melkowski at the dig site
The Francis and Maisie Pryor Charitable Trust
An independent organisation set up by archaeologists, environmentalists, and supporters to promote the knowledge of the public in the subjects of Archaeology and Environmental Conservation. They enable individuals, organisations, and communities – in the East Midlands and East Anglia – to advance education and participation in these subjects by awarding grants, maintenance allowances, and scholarships.