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Open Days at Durobrivae Excavation

Forty members of the public and supporters of the NVAT visited the site of the Roman town of Durobrivae on Sunday July 14th - and a further hundred on Sunday 21st! They had come to witness a series of excavations being carried out by Dr Peter Guest of the Archaeology department of Cardiff University working in partnership with the NVAT.

Durobrivae Excavation 2019 Open Day

After a brief introductory talk from Dr Stephen Upex they were shown some of the typical finds which had come from the trenches that have been opened so far.

The visitors were guided around the site by some of the students involved in the dig, who proved to be very informed and confident.

Many of the trenches contained evidence of ‘robbing’ where what had been foundation stones for the various walls had been taken away at some time in the past.

Dr Peter Guest

One trench contained evidence of a small temple or shrine including the remains of a tessellated pavement that had been the ‘ambulatory’ or walkway around the building.

Roman tessellated pavement at Durobrivae

Many thanks to the staff and Students from Cardiff who made the afternoon so enjoyable and interesting.

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