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Nene Park Heritage Audit Published

The Nene Valley Archaeological Trust has undertaken the most comprehensive heritage audit of over 600 hectares of the Nene Valley to the west of Peterborough.

The work was undertaken for the Nene Park Trust which manages this sensitive area containing numerous historical and archaeological sites. The Nene Park Trust required an assessment of the types, periods, importance, and condition of identified monuments in order to manage, conserve and publicise them in the future.

The audit forms part of a wider project called ‘Walking in Time’. This is a Heritage Lottery funded initiative within the ‘Nenescape Landscape Partnership Scheme’.

The report was compiled in 2018 by Dr Stephen Upex. Drawing on his own deep knowledge of the area he has been able to consolidate information from a vast number of sources. This includes early work by Artis, many excavations by the NVAT, the HER, Lidar and the recent geophysical survey of Normangate Field.

In total 136 separate sites or finds of objects are catalogued by the Audit. Some are already scheduled under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, of which three are of international importance. In addition there are six sites deemed to be of national importance and a further 27 of regional importance.

For each site catalogued an assessment has been made of factors including “importance”, “existing knowledge”, and “condition”. The report concludes with 20 clear recommendations. These include consideration of Scheduled Monument status for the site of the church and manorat Botolph Bridge. More broadly it is suggested that:

over the next 5 year period the Nene Park Trust develops a programme of archaeological survey, and even limited excavation, to research some of the sites within their landscape management holding. This survey work could be developed in liaison with the Nene Valley Archaeological Trust who may wish to advise and guide the NPT.

Heritage Audit and Landscape Assessment for the Nene Park Trust 2018 By Stephen G. Upex for and on behalf of the Nene Valley Archaeological Trust

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