Some of the most precious objects related to the history of Peterborough and the Nene Valley are on show at the Peterborough Museum until January. There is also a series of talks related to the "Treasures" being made by eminent local and national specialists. Don't miss this unique opportunity to see this collection of objects which are normally housed in the British Museum or other significant institutions around the country.
The Water Newton Treasure
Found at Durobrivae (the fortified Roman town near the village of Water Newton), this treasure tells the story of some of the first Christian groups in Peterborough. It is one of the earliest examples of Christian silver from the Roman Empire.
The Casket of St Thomas Becket.
Thomas Becket was Archbishop of Canterbury and was martyred in 1170 when agents of the King, acting on misunderstood orders, killed him in cold blood.
The Abbot Benedict of Peterborough commissioned this casket to hold relics of the murdered saint and took them to Peterborough for safe keeping in 1177.
Barnack Burial Assemblage
ThE Barnack ‘beaker burial’ is from the Copper Age. It was likely used to honour the life of someone important - the goods inside include a wrist guard decorated with 18 gold discs - and was donated to the British Museum in 1974.
The Peterborough Chronicle
This collection of writing forms part of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and is an historical account of Peterborough written by the monks of Peterborough Abbey over hundreds of years.
The Black Book of Peterborough
Although the original document does not survive, its text was reproduced in this book later in the 13th century. It contains a copy of the Magna Carta which was sent to Peterborough Abbey in 1215.
The Lindsey Psalter
This copy of the book of Psalms, which also contains a calendar and litanies of the church, is considered one of the best illustrated and accurately dated religious texts from medieval times.
The Peterborough Bestiary
This book contains magnificent illustrations of various animals - some real, some mythical - and some descriptions of what they are. One particular highlight is the Bonnacon - a horned, mythical, cow-like beast which escapes from its pursuers through a unique defence mechanism - by firing flaming dung behind it.
Tuesday evening Treasures Talks Programme:
There are 4 talks scheduled between September and December 2018. Dr Stephen Upex will be addressing the importance of the Peterborough area in Roman times . Dr Nicholas Karn, Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Southampton, will talk about Peterborough Abbey and the Peterborough Chronicles. Dr Neil Wilkin, Curator of Prehistory at The British Museum will address The Barnack Beaker Burial.