NVAT has been chosen by the Nene Park Trust (NPT) to be the official ‘Archaeology Partner’ for a major project called ‘Walking in Time’. This is one part of a major Heritage Lottery funded project called the Nenescape Landscape Partnership scheme.
The NPT’s project aims to encourage more people to explore new areas of the Nene park west of Peterborough on foot and to appreciate and understand its historic and natural heritage. The ‘Walking in Time’ project will include:
a heritage audit of the NPT’s estate
creation of new Heritage trails with information leaflets
a new riverside boardwalk
publication of a booklet to bring the Roman history of the area to a wider public.
Geoff Dannell, chair of the NVAT welcomed the news:
‘ This new partnership with the Nene Park Trust is a wonderful opportunity for the NVAT to contribute its knowledge and expertise to this exciting project. We will be asking Dr Stephen Upex, a leading local expert in Roman history, to bring together all the existing information about the Roman presence in this part of the Nene valley into one coherent account. This in turn, will enable the NPT to provide updated information for the heritage trails and the publication of a booklet for the general public that will bring that part of this area’s local history to life.
For the first time we will be able to collate, summarise, and evaluate so much of the information from various excavations and accounts about the Roman industrial area near the site of our local Roman town of Durobrivae that has not been accessible to the public before now. We are lucky to have Dr Stephen Upex to do this work for us and he will be supported by other NVAT members. The work will take over 3 years but we will give periodic updates on progress on the NVAT website.’
NVAT is the Nene Valley Archaeological Trust which has been helping to discover, document and communicate the history of the area for 60 years.
Nene Park Trust is the local Charity which runs the Ferry Meadows Country Park.