Excavation at Durobrivae - 2019
Open Day - Registration Form
NVAT is undertaking exploratory excavations at the Roman Town of Durobrivae near Water Newton during the month of July.
The aim is to examine the state of preservation of the monument, which will involve lifting the turf and exposing the first undisturbed archaeological layer, particularly in areas subject to damage by rabbit burrows.
There will be two open days during July 2019 when you can visit this important Roman site to to see the work in progress.
Sunday 14th July: 14.30 to 16.00
Sunday 21st July: 14.30 to 16.00
If you wish to visit please complete the registration form below. We regret that no other access will be possible for casual visits in accordance with the provisions under which we are allowed to operate.
We may need to limit numbers as parking space adjacent to the site is very restricted.
Access to the excavations could involve a total return walk of about 2 miles.
This excavation is part of a major programme of investigation being led by the Nene Valley Archaeological Trust. The first phase was a geophysical survey of the site undertaken in 2018. It is hoped that there will be opportunities to undertake further targeted excavation in subsequent years to answer some of the many unanswered questions about this important Roman town.
The excavation is being undertaken by a team from Cardiff University. We are working in close partnership with Historic England.